Enjoy Today

16 01 2015

What is your favorite season? We all have a time of year that speaks to our hearts. I have a friend who spends the winter counting the days until spring. Others love summer with its bright sunshine, hot temperatures, and sense of freedom. Some enjoy fall with its cool breezes and brilliant colors. Whichever one is your favorite, they each have their own special beauty and own unique purpose.

“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:” – Ecclesiastes 3:1

Here is God’s first lesson about time. Recognize the balance and beauty that comes with the seasons. Each season works within a divine rhythm that allows the whole year to unfold, revealing His wisdom and creativity. The same is true of our lives. Our lives move within an unfolding series of seasons, each one having its own beauty, struggles, wonders, and tempo. Many times, rather than enjoying the season I am in, I either look back with regret, look ahead with worry, or believe that I have to accomplish the work of four seasons in the timeframe of today. We put so much pressure on ourselves to push through this season in order to get to the next one. God calls us to live fully in today. Enjoy today. Discover the unique pleasures that fill this moment. We couldn’t enjoy crunching through bright autumn leaves if spring didn’t come and fill the trees with green. The same is true in our families, in our friendships, in our work, and even in our relationship with God. All of the seasons of life work together to grow us into the image of Christ.

My Jesus Resolution today is to enjoy today. I am going to find ten wonderful things to celebrate about today. I am going to walk outside in the brisk winter air and marvel at the way God allows the earth to rest and renew. I am going to run inside, thankful for warm quilts and hot coffee. I am going to take a picture of my kids in order to capture this moment that will be gone too quickly. I am going to rest in the truth that God created this season in my life in order for me to walk closely with Him. I don’t have to rush it, over pack it, or wish it away – just enjoy it while giving Him praise.



2 responses

16 01 2015

Right on. Enjoy today, come what may, while giving Him praise. He is with us! Look forward to seeing you at Women of Hope 2015

28 01 2015
Barbara Kilpatrick

Very good thoughts to enjoy every day.

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