The Little Voice

16 12 2015

The room where we were sitting was hushed in worship. Thoughts wrapped around the cross as sins were confessed, thanksgiving offered, joy swelled, and community was shared. The Lord’s Supper has the unique ability to draw us nearer to God, closer to each other, and deeper into the image of Jesus.

In the midst of these quiet moments, a little voice began to softly sing “Jesus Loves Me.” My husband and I grinned as we heard the warbled words gently float in the air. It was a very small child engaged in a very big act of worship. No song captures better the beauty of this moment. Love defines what Jesus did for us on the cross. Love washes away sin, bestows grace, transforms what is broken, and calls us ever closer.

It is a love we can know. It is true, strong, real, and absolute. It is not the stuff of imagination or fairy tales or country songs. It is a love not based on how I feel, what I have done, or how good I am, but grounded entirely in the heart, faithfulness, and character of God. I can know it with more certainty than the feel of my skin or the next beat of my heart.

This love is the story of the Bible. It is the thread that connects every word, frames every miracle, underscores every command, and fuels every one of God’s actions. I can read this love deeply into my mind, heart, and soul. It can shape my steps, change my vision, and speak its life-changing power into my actions and choices.

My Jesus Resolution today is to sing “Jesus Loves Me” out loud. I want to be like that little one. I am sure that the child’s parents didn’t mean for the child to sing out, but for me it was a profound moment of grace. I am deeply thankful. Sometimes I make things so complicated. In a little voice, Jesus reminded me how simple it really needs to be.




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