The Jesus Resolution

“For I have resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” – Paul, I Corinthians 2:2

We will be exploring what it means to resolve to look more like Jesus. God is working a powerful transformation deep within each of His children – He is creating within us the image of His Son. Every day, He helps us shed the old, sinful, destructive self and put on a new self transformed to look like Jesus. The call of The Jesus Resolution is to allow God full access to every part of our lives and live wholly in the transformation He longs to work in our hearts. The Jesus Resolution challenges us to give up surface happiness for deep joy, shallow living for the abundant life, and self-reliance for complete dependence.

Two or three times each week, we will use this space to talk about what it means to live out The Jesus Resolution. There will be unavoidable struggles, unexpected blessings, and undeniable wonder as we commit ourselves more fully to looking like Jesus. It will be a journey like no other. I am excited that we are going to travel together. Ready?


Below is the original Jesus Resolution post that got us started on our journey to look more like Jesus. It appeared on January 1, 2010.

We serve a God of fresh starts and new beginnings. He promises that His mercies will be new every morning and that u-turns make heaven erupt with joy. As a new year begins, we delight in the clean slate that it offers us. New Year’s resolutions inspire us to start over and begin anew.

Amid all the resolutions we make about our health, our relationships, our work, and our play, I want to challenge you to join me in a resolution that is at the heart of who God is and who He calls us to be. The Jesus Resolution.

The Jesus Resolution is the purpose for which we were created. It is God’s ultimate desire for you. It is the reason behind the cross and the empty tomb. God wants to transform you to look like Jesus. He wants to form you into a mirror image of Christ. He wants others to look at your life and see His Son. He wants your words to be an echo of His voice. He wants the way you move, work, serve, love, and play to resonate with the person of Jesus.

Paul lived and spoke about The Jesus Resolution. He tells his friends in Corinth – “For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” (I Corinthians 2:2)  John writes to his loved ones and says, “Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did.” (I John 2:6)

So here is my resolution – I want to immerse myself in Jesus. I want Him to soak into every part of who I am. I want to spend this year learning and surrendering to what it means to walk as Jesus did. I resolve to know nothing except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. I commit to living more fully in the transformation God wants to work within me.

This is more than a passing New Year’s phase. This is the promise and the challenge that God sets out before us. Be His. Be like His Son. Make The Jesus Resolution. Will you join me?

8 responses

1 01 2010
Cindy Donaghy

Thanks for the facebook link to your website. I look forward to our 2010 journey to look more like Jesus. I am so thankful for your work in God’s kingdom. Bless you and your family.

2 01 2010
Judy Smith

Life is a fantastic journey with blessings around each curve. Every time I see a construction sign now, I will smile.

6 05 2010
Maria Reda

I thoroughly enjoyed meeting you this past week at the Connecticut Ladies Day. Your message is uplifting and inspirational…it is all about Jesus & being like Jesus…Yes, like you said, Jesus is the answer. Thank you, Casandra – God’s blessings to you & your family! By the way, “I SEE JESUS IN YOU”

16 01 2012
Lynn Sustala

You are a blessing to all women and I am thankful that I am privileged to have you as a Bible teacher each week. All of us at Spring Creek are truly blessed and an inspiration to all. I see Jesus in you.

21 08 2012
Linda Clark

Is there a book, THE JESUS RESOLUTION?

21 08 2012
Casandra Martin

Yes, Linda! The Jesus Resolution is now a devotional book available through 21st Century Christian. You can get more information and/or order one by either going to the website or calling toll-free at 1-800-251-2477.

18 05 2015

what is the difference in the book the Jesus Resolution and Living the Jesus Resolution? Thanks!

18 05 2015
Casandra Martin

Good question! They are both daily devotional books that focus on seeing God in the moment and making everyday choices to follow Jesus. The Jesus Resolution is volume 1 and Living the Jesus Resolution is volume 2, although they do not have to be read in sequence. Enjoy your blessings today!

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